Khandelwal Development Forum Society

Business Development

Our Samaj is mostly in small businesses. Although some of the Samaj stalwarts have become global business leaders, yet majority of the Samaj remains confined to MSME business segment.

The role of business in an open market economy system is to create wealth for shareholders, employees, customers and society at large. No other human activity matches private enterprise in its ability to marshal people, capital and innovation under controlled risk-taking, in order to create meaningful jobs and produce goods and services profitably – profit being essential to long-term business survival and job creation.

While all businesses have an implicit set of inherent values, the dynamics of fast changes in the business environment and destructive economy to destructive technology remains the serious issues unless majority of our Samaj’s business understand the changes and quietly and speedily adopts to these changes.

KDF will disseminate business information, economic trends and best practices in the fast-changing dynamic business environment so that majority of our Samaj members are befitted.

Future Milestone 2018-2019
  • Fashion and other courses
  • Mentoring and Selection of Innovative Ideas
  • Help and Support in getting funding through govt and private schemes.

Get In Touch


E-58, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302016, India





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