To integrate the Professionals & Entrepreneurs of Khandelwal samaj on single platform and to inspire new genrations to connect with their samaj world-wide.
To develop and inculcate sound, moral and national character in younger generation by providing career counselings and employment services for boys and girls of the Community.
To strengthen the Khandelwal samaj for prosperity of all its members in order to help the needy and poor members of the society for their education and other purposes.
To create Training/education center for personality development. To provide role models and create an exciting environment for children.
Sharing knowledge & Experience. Exchange of Ideas & Thoughts. Endeavour for day to day, social, moral, educational, mental and cultural upliftment of the samaj.
To create the means for providing medical assistance to the people suffering from diseases, especially for helpless people.
To create awareness among the people regarding new business techniques and methods by providing help and generating training programme for self-employment of women and educated underemployed people.